International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research

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Year: 2024 | Month: January-March | Volume: 9 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 230-234

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijshr.20240129

Blackboard Learning Management System- An Artificial Intelligence Approach: Challenges and Prospects in Nursing Education

Eva Lobelle Sampayan

Faculty, Nursing Administration, College of Nursing, King Khalid University, Al Mahallah Road, Khamis Mushayt, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The Blackboard learning management system (Bb-LMS) is integrated into the nursing educational system to effectively respond to the increasing development of technology in society.  The Bb-LMS as an artificial intelligence (AI) approach continuously improves the teaching-learning process of the nursing educational system. Nursing colleges and universities design programs with the assistance of AI tools. Positive perception and impact on the use of Bb-LMS are documented by several authors. Recent studies documented a few challenges of using Bb-LMS including the provision of appropriate training regarding e-learning and the Blackboard system, occasional time delay and audio issues, and the students do not prefer Blackboard in practical nursing subjects. Nonetheless, the predicted influence of the Bb-LMS as an artificial intelligence approach can transform nursing education across all domains of nursing education and practice. The Bb-LMS facilitates university teachers and nursing educators in managing their courses and communicating with their students effectively. Research on artificial intelligence and nursing stressed that the future of artificial intelligence in education envisions preceptors and robots cooperating to produce scholars with fashionable outcomes. Hands-on training and workshops should be conducted for both students and teachers to address the challenges of using the learning management system in nursing education. Future research should consider examining the integration of Bb-LMS in nursing curricular reforms to make nursing education more meaningful and effective. 

Keywords: Blackboard learning management system, artificial intelligence, nursing education, opportunities in nursing education, prospects in nursing education.

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