International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research

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Year: 2024 | Month: January-March | Volume: 9 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 131-135

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijshr.20240117

Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Menopausal Symptoms Management

Priyaluxmi Keisham1, Mary VJ2

1MSc Nursing student, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St. John’s College of Nursing, Bangalore, India, 560034.
2Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St. John’s College of Nursing, Bangalore India,560034.

Corresponding Author: Keisham Priyaluxmi Devi


Menopause is the permanent cessation of menstruation for a complete 12 consecutive months while post-menopause is the period following menopause marked by changes in hormonal status. Studies stated that menopausal women experience symptoms like hot flashes/flushes, night sweats, sleep disturbances, sexual dysfunction, mood disorders, weight gain and cognitive decline which overall affect their lives. Though hormonal therapies are used for symptom management, it was found to have some side effects and increase the chance of cancer. Complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) have a positive impact on the same management. Relaxation, biofeedback, meditation, aromatherapy, use of mineral products and other methods like traditional Chinese medicines, reflexology, acupuncture, acupressure and homeopathy are found to be effective in controlling menopause-related symptoms. We should make them aware of these complementary and alternative medicines.

Keywords: Menopause, post-menopause, complementary and alternative medicine.

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