International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research

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Year: 2024 | Month: January-March | Volume: 9 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 114-119

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijshr.20240115

A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Triage Among Staff Nurses of Batra Hospital and Medical Research Centre [BHMRC], New Delhi

Nazima Thomas1, Wakrambam Karunanidhi Devi2

1Associate Professor, 2Tutor;
Lakshmi Bai Batra College of Nursing, Affiliated to Indraprastha University, Delhi

Corresponding Author: Nazima Thomas


'Nurse triage' refers to the formal process of early assessment by a trained nurse, in an attempt to ensure that patients receive appropriate attention, in a suitable location and with the requisite degree of urgency. The study was conducted in BHMRC, New Delhi in the month of November, 2023. The structured questionnaire was administered to 60 nurses. The result showed that (36.66%) staff nurses were of less than 25 years of age, most of them (86.66%) were females, mostly (70%) belonged to Hindu religion, more than half of the staff nurses (66.66%) had diploma in nursing, mostly nurses (41.66%) had working experience of 3-5yrs, (26.66%) nurses worked in the emergency department and (50%) had taken training on triage. Out of 60 staff nurses of BHMRC in which 16.66% were having very good knowledge, 56.66% were having good knowledge, 18.33% were having average knowledge and 8.33% were having poor knowledge regarding triage with the mean knowledge score and standard deviation of staff nurses was 20.41  3.88. The study concluded that out of 60 staff nurses, 10 staff nurses have very good knowledge 34 staff nurses have good knowledge, 11 staff nurses have average knowledge and 5 staff nurses have poor knowledge.

Keywords: Triage, Staff Nurses, Hospital, Knowledge.

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