International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2022 | Month: October-December | Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 109-114

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijshr.20221014

Identification of the Severity of Depression Among the Inhabitants of Old Age Homes in Mysuru- A Community Survey

Vaishak Bharadwaj K1, Dr. Ravindra P Choudhary2, Devendra Sanjoy G3, Bettaswamy H V4, Dr Hanumanthachar Joshi5

1,3,4Pharm D, Sarada Vilas college of pharmacy, Mysuru, Karnataka India
2Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, SVCP, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
5Principal, Sarada Vilas College of Pharmacy, Mysore, Karnataka, India

Corresponding Author: Dr. Ravindra P Choudhary


Background: India ranks 4th in terms of size of the elderly population. An exceptional increase in geriatrics, nuclear families, changes in psychosocial values often compel this segment of society to live alone which increase vulnerability to mental health problems such as depression.
Aims and Objectives: To assess the prevalence and risk factors associated with depression in elderly population residing in old age homes.
Materials and Methods: An observational cross-sectional study, carried out at 10 randomly selected old age homes in Mysuru. The inhabitants who are willing to participate, above 50 years of age were included and the survey was conducted using MDI questionnaires, and scores were allotted and analyzed.
Result: out of 187 subjects, 27.80% [n=52] of the subjects were found to be having depression according to the MDI scoring. Majority [n=27, 51.92%] were affected with mild depression followed by moderate [n=19, 36.53%] and severe depressive disorder [n=6, 11.53%]. Females [57.69%, n=30] were at higher risk of developing depression than males [n=22, 42.30%]. Sleep disturbance (p-value=0.000114), diet (p-value=0.0026217) was found to be statistically significant risk factor for depression in elderly population.
Interpretation and Conclusion: the study shows that 27.80% of the inhabitants of old age homes were suffering from a psychiatric disorder. Hence, more schemes and awareness programs need to be conducted through various campaigns, by providing counseling aids, uniform health checkups, and strict regulations for the need for atleast one permanent HCP in old age homes must be carried out.

Keywords: Depression, elderly population, prevalence, risk factors.

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