International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2022 | Month: April-June | Volume: 7 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 101-107

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijshr.20220416

Physical Activity Level and Its Association with Mental Health and Quality of Life in Females during Menses

Sai Iyer1, Tuba Shaikh2, Yash Surti3

1M.P.T. (Musculoskeletal Science), 2Intern Student, 3Intern Student,
Neotech Institute of Physiotherapy, Shri Govind Guru University, Vadodara, India.

Corresponding Author: Sai Iyer


Background: During a normal menstrual cycle, the lining of a woman's uterus sheds. This cycle is part of a woman's reproductive system and prepares the body for a possible pregnancy. It is also called a period, menses or cycle. A menstrual cycle is considered to begin on the first day of a period. The average cycle is 28 days long; however, a cycle can range in length from 21 days to about 35 days. Girls start menstruating at the average age of 12, but it can range from 8-16 years. The most common symptoms that is been seen during menses are Moodiness, Trouble sleeping, Food cravings, Cramps in the lower abdomen and back. Physical activity plays a key role in maintaining or improving an individual’s wellness. Physical activity (PA) is beneficial for women’s health as it is associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease; breast and colon cancers; type 2 diabetes; osteoporosis; and other adverse health outcomes and also reduces the risk of depression and perceived stress levels. Some women report low physical activity level and energy level during the time of menses. Data from various literatures suggests that there is high prevalence of anemia in India and during menses, due blood loss, the severity level increases. During menses, due to blood loss, hormonal level fluctuations, there occurs extreme pain, mood swings, social stigma as a part of culture; all this alters the mental health status and quality of life.
Purpose of the study: To determine the Physical activity level in females during menses. The objective is to find the association of Physical activity level with mental health and quality of life.
Methodology: A google form was shared in whatsapp consisting of all 3 questionnaires (IAPQ- International Physical activity questionnaire short form), Quality of life was assessed through (WHOBREF). Mental health was assessed by General health questionnaire (GH-12).The consent and details of the study were also mentioned in the form. All the data were analysed.
Results: A total 100 responses were analyzed and out of that 55% were physically active and remaining 45% were inactive. For the association of PA level with quality of life and mental health status, there was a significant association (p<0.05)
Conclusions: The overall PA level is 55% in this study. There is also positive influence of PA on general health aspects. Given that a proper understanding of physical activity and doing it on a regular basis can be effective in the health and life of young women and also improving the mental health status and overall quality of life. Keywords: Physical activity, mental health and Quality of life.

Keywords:[Physical activity, Mental health, Quality of life, Menses]

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