International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2020 | Month: July-September | Volume: 5 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 347-357

Relationship of Foot Length with Dynamic Balance in 9-12- Year-Old Children - Pilot Study

Padmanabhan Suresh Babu Roshan1, Roshan Ann Oommen2, Shruthi P. Puthran3

1Assistant Professor, Laxmi Memorial College of Physiotherapy, Mangalore, 575002
2Professor, A.J. Institute of Medical Science and Research, Kuntikan, Mangalore, 575004
3Post graduate Student, Laxmi Memorial College of Physiotherapy, Mangalore, 575002

Corresponding Author: Shruthi P. Puthran


Introduction: Dynamic balance as known plays a vital role in the development of the children in both gross and fine motor skills.
Purpose: To find out the relationship between the foot length and dynamic balance in children 9-12-year-old.
Methods and Materials: This pilot study was conducted among children with typical development. The age group included for the study was9-12 years. The estimated sample 24.Participants underwent initial assessment, where height, weight, and foot length were measured. To measure foot length measuring tape was used and dynamic balance was assessed using Functional Reach Test, the participants were asked to perform three successful trials of reaching forward without losing balance or taking support and mean of it were obtained.
Statistical Analysis: The collected data was summarized using the descriptive statistics such mean+S.D. (standard deviation) to find the relationship between the foot length and dynamic balance in 9-12-year-oldchildren, Pearson correlation coefficient was used, p value <0.05 was considered as significant. The data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS 21.
Results: The mean distance reached by the children was (21.9 + 4.9 cm) and mean foot length was (20.8 + 1.6 cm). The obtained p value for Pearson correlation coefficient was >0.05 and hence there was no relationship found between the foot length and dynamic balance in children.
Conclusion: The foot length has no relationship with the dynamic balance score on functional reach test in children.

Keywords: Foot length, Base of Support, dynamic balance, functional reach test, children 9-12-year-old, relationship.

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