Year: 2024 | Month: October-December | Volume: 9 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 185-193
Analysis of Mitigation for Landslide Disaster Management in Lumajang Regency, East Java Province
Erna Desi Faradinah1, Ali Badrudin2, Isa Ma’rufi3
1,2,3Universitas Jember, Jember, Indonesia
Corresponding Author: Erna Desi Faradinah
This research aims to analyze the mitigation of natural disaster management, specifically landslides, in Lumajang Regency, East Java Province. Natural disasters are undesirable events, making it crucial for the government and the community to understand the processes and factors leading to such disasters. One significant disaster that requires attention from both the government and the community in Lumajang is landslides, necessitating an understanding of their impacts and management strategies. The alternatives for addressing this issue can involve disaster mitigation through various stages, which are the focus of this study, aimed at reducing the ongoing risks associated with landslide vulnerabilities. This research is descriptive in nature, utilizing a quantitative approach, with subjects comprising individuals who can share their knowledge about the phenomena or cases being studied. The findings indicate that the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Lumajang Regency is responsible for disaster management, including landslides. However, their mitigation stages—such as mapping, inspections, investigations, monitoring, and socialization—have not been effectively implemented to reduce disaster risks. The BPBD tends to act only after a disaster occurs, resulting in a lack of proactive risk reduction through disaster mitigation. There is a pressing need for efforts from various stakeholders to enhance awareness of landslide dangers, including the establishment of an early warning system and community education regarding natural disasters through outreach and education before, during, and after landslide events.
Keywords: Mitigation analysis, Disaster, Landslide