International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research

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Year: 2024 | Month: October-December | Volume: 9 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 7-14

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijshr.20240402

Overnutrition among the School Students in Dhaka City: A Cross-sectional Study

Khondaker Ahsanul Ashakin1, Nazmul Karim 2, Sumon Lahiry 3, Sumaiya Maryam4

1Student, Department of Public Health, State University Bangladesh, Bangladesh. 2Adjunct Faculty, Department of Public Health, State University of Bangladesh, Bangladesh.
3Adjunct Faculty, Department of Public Health, State University of Bangladesh, Bangladesh.
4Student, Department of Social Work, Mohammadpur Kendriya College, Bangladesh.

Corresponding Author: Khondaker Ahsanul Ashakin


Background: The study focuses on childhood obesity and its rise due to fast food and reduced physical activity.Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the nutritional assessment, knowledge, attitude and practice of English medium School students aged 11-15 years in Dhaka city. Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted among randomly selected 280 school students with anthropometric measurement and using a semi-structured questionnaire with the permission of the student’s guardian/s. Results: The overall prevalence of overweight/obesity in this study found 51.43% where 11.43% were obese and 40.0% were overweight. The students have eaten pizza, burger and pastry according to 20%, 28% and 15% respectively at their tiffin time. About 68% respondents have not played any outdoor games (only computer games regularly). 61% normal BMI students did physical activity regularly and 91% risk BMI respondents didn’t physical activity regularly. The energy intake in last 24 hours of respondents according to their BMI also is statistically significant (p<0.01); the average energy intake of 49% male of normal BMI respondent was about 1576 kJ and the average energy intake of 48% female of normal BMI respondent was about 1455 kJ. On the other hand, the average energy intake of 51% male of risk BMI respondent was about 1819 kJ and the average energy intake of 52% female of risk BMI respondent was about 1707 kJ. Conclusion: Overweight/obesity is a public-health concern among English medium school students, especially in high-income group in Dhaka. From the key finding of the current study, awareness program regarding overweight or obesity along with prevention measures were particularly focus on the English medium school students from their school as well as their family.

Keywords: Obesity, Overweight, BMI, Energy Intake, Food consumption, Nutritional value.

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