Year: 2025 | Month: January-March | Volume: 10 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 190-194
Evaluating the Effects of a 1000kcal Low Carbohydrate Diet and Panchakarma on Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Hypertriglyceridemia
Dr. Manisha Ghurde1, Dr. Rajesh Ingole2, Dr. Prabha Acharya3
1Director, VRT's Madhavbaug Institute of Preventive Cardiology, Thane, Maharashtra, India
2Senior Consultant Pathologist & Senior Consultant Medical Administration, Dr. Hedgewar Hospital and Research Center, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
3Mentor, VRT's Madhavbaug Institute of Preventive Cardiology, Thane, Maharashtra, India
Corresponding Author: Dr. Manisha Ghurde
Background: Elevated triglyceride (TG) levels are a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease. This retrospective study investigates the impact of a 1000kcal/day low-carbohydrate diet, combined with Panchakarma, on TG levels in individuals with hypertriglyceridemia. Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of a 12-week intervention combining a 1000kcal/day low-carbohydrate diet and Panchakarma therapy in reducing triglyceride (TG) levels and improving other cardiometabolic parameters with hypertriglyceridemia.
Methods: A retrospective, Multicentric, observational study was conducted from January 2024 to September 2024. A total of 52 patients aged 30-80 years with TG levels >150mg/dL and followed a 1000kcal low-carbohydrate diet for 12 weeks, with Panchakarma were included in this study. The primary endpoint was improvement in Cholesterol Levels from baseline to the 90-day follow-up. Secondary endpoints were improvement in weight, ABG (Abdominal Girth), Heart Rate and reduction in dependency on allopathic medication from baseline to the 90-day follow-up.
Results: Mean age of the study was 53.37±14.17 years. Primary finding (Mean ± SD, Baseline Vs. 90-days): TG improved from 246.56±82.14 to 230.35±90.55, p=0.0 at the 90-day follow-up. Secondary endpoints of Weight (day 1: 75.60±13.64% and day 90: 72.78±13.01%, p=0.00), ABG (day 1: 101.02±10.66 and day 90: 97.46±9.22, p=0.00), Heart Rate (day 1: 81.98±12.56 and day 90: 77.87±11.46, p=0.03), and BMI parameters also improved at the 90-day follow-up. Reduction in allopathic medication doses was also observed.
Conclusions: A 12-week intervention with a 1000kcal/day low-carbohydrate diet and Panchakarma displayed positive impact on reduced TG levels and various health parameters.
Keywords: Hypertriglyceridemia, Low-Carbohydrate Diet, Triglycerides, Panchakarma, Ayurveda