Year: 2025 | Month: January-March | Volume: 10 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 112-118
A Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Weaning Among Postnatal Mothers in a Selected Area of Udupi District with a View to Develop an Informational Booklet
Sushma1, Dr. T. Jeya Rani2
1Master of Science, Nursing, Udupi College of Nursing, 2Principal, Udupi College of Nursing
Corresponding Author: Sushma
Background: Undernutrition contributes to an estimated 2.7 million child deaths annually, accounting for 45% of all child mortality. Ensuring proper infant and young child feeding practices is critical for improving child survival rates and supporting healthy growth and development. The first two years of life are especially crucial, as adequate nutrition during this period significantly reduces illness and death, lowers the likelihood of chronic diseases, and promotes overall developmental progress.
Objectives: This study aim to assess the knowledge regarding weaning among postnatal mothers in a selected area of Udupi district with a view to develop an informational booklet.
Materials and Methods: The descriptive survey design among 100 postnatal mothers was used to assess the knowledge regarding weaning in selected areas of Udupi district, with a view to develop informational booklet. A structured knowledge questionnaire was prepared to assess the knowledge of postnatal mother regarding weaning and later the IB was given. Reliability of the tool was tested and validity was ensured in consultation with guides and experts in field of Nursing and Medicine
Results: Overall knowledge scores of postnatal mothers were found that majority 88% postnatal mothers had poor knowledge level and 12% had moderate knowledge on weaning. Area- wise analysis of pretest knowledge of postnatal mothers regarding weaning, it shows that overall knowledge mean was 11.1 with mean percentage of 34%.
Conclusion: This study concludes that the knowledge scores of postnatal mothers on weaning was low. The demographic variables of postnatal mothers are not significantly associated with the knowledge scores.
Keywords: Knowledge, Weaning, Postnatal Mothers, Informational Booklet