International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2019 | Month: January-March | Volume: 4 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 181-189

Determinant Factors of Incidence of Helminthiasis among Student of SD Inpres 42 Taman Ria in Kelurahan Wosi Manokwari District

Mince Wilil1, A.L. Rantetampang2, Yermia Msen3, Anwar Mallongi4

1Magister Program of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura.
2,3Lecturer of Master Program in Public Health. Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura
4Environmental Health Department, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

Corresponding Author: Anwar Mallongi


Background: The behavior of the people in the Wosi village still pollutes the environment with inappropriate disposal of feces,i.e. at times in rivers which is used for bathing, washing clothes and household appliances.
Methods: This study is an observational analytic study that aims to determine the effect of two or more variables. This study explains the relationship affects and is influenced by the variables to be studied. Using a cross sectional study approach with data collection carried out simultaneously at one time.
Results: There is no sex relationship with the incidence of helminthiasis in Taman Ria Elementary School 42 students in Wosi Village, Manokwari Regency (p-value 0.734; RP = 1.080; CI95% (0.793 - 1.472). There is no tribal relationship with the incidence of helminthiasis in students of Taman Ria Elementary School 42 in Wosi Village, Manokwari Regency (p-value 1,000; Rp = 1,012; CI95% (0,740 - 1,385). There is a habitual defecation relationship with helminthiasis in Taman Ria Elementary School 42 students in Wosi Village, Manokwari Regency (p-value 0,000; RP = 2,081; CI95% (1,642 - 2,638). There is a relationship between the habit of washing hands and the incidence of helminthiasis in students of Inpres 42 Park Ria Elementary School in Wosi Village, Manokwari Regency (p-value 0.007; RP = 1.557; CI95% (1,154 - 2,100). There is a relationship between snacking habits and the incidence of helminthiasis in Taman Ria Elementary School 42 students in Wosi Village, Manokwari Regency (p-value 0.016; RP = 1.496; CI95% (1,093 - 2,046). There is a relationship between the habit of using footwear and the incidence of helminthiasis in students of SD 42 Inpres Taman Ria in Wosi Village, Manokwari Regency (p-value 0.004; RP = 1.603; CI95% (1,172 - 2,192).
Conclusion: The dominant factor associated with helminthiasis in Taman Ria Elementary School 42 students in Wosi Village, Manokwari Regency is the habit of defecation, hand washing habits and the habit of playing on the ground.

Keywords: Incidence of helminthiasis, footwear, defecation, hand washing

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