International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2019 | Month: January-March | Volume: 4 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 121-127

Evaluation of Health Services in Class II Prisoned Abepura on Year 2017 Papua Province

Hidayahtu Samawiyah1, Arry Pongtiku2, A.L. Rantetampang3, Anwar Mallongi4

1Magister Program of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura.
2,3Lecturer of Master Program in Public Health. Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura
4Environmental Health Department, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

Corresponding Author: Hidayahtu Samawiyah


Background: Prisoned prisoners who were detained and lost their freedom of rights and obtained the right to health services in the Polyclinic of Class II Abepura and had never been evaluated for the existing health services.
Research Objectives: Evaluating health services in the Class II A Abepura Penitentiary of Papua Province in 2017.
Research Method: Descriptive qualitative and conducting interviews with 3 main informants and 3 supporting informants from the assisted residents as well as observing health service facilities and infrastructures at the Abepura Class II A Correctional Institution and analyzed qualitatively.
Results: Health human resources in Abepura Class II A Prison were staff for handling general illnesses and nursing. The availability of facilities and infrastructures is sufficient in nursing services and medicines. Health service funding is sourced from DIPA funds in health services for assisted citizens, and inadequate for the needs of the assisted citizens in fulfilling the personal hygiene and nutrition of the assisted citizens. While health financing works in collaboration with the Jayapura City Health Office, the Puskesmas and Abepura Hospital and Jayapura Regional Hospital. Class II A Abepura Prison partners with health centers and hospitals in health checks that cannot be served in polyclinic Health service efforts carried out in health services are satisfied but dental services and mental disorders. While other health efforts include fairly good promotive efforts, preventive measures are not optimal in meeting personal hygiene and nutrition as well as follow-up care in examinations due to the limitations of health workers.

Keywords: Evaluation, Health Service, Prisone, Prisoned Class II A, Abepura

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