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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: October-December | Volume: 3 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 70-80

Factors Affecting Nutrient Status of Children Under Five Years at Puncak Jaya District Sub Province Papuan

Arinius Weya1, A.L. Rantetampang2, Rosmin Tingginehe3, Anwar Mallongi4

1Magister Program of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura.
2,3Lecturer of Master Program in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura
4Environmental Health Department, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

Corresponding Author: Arinius Weya


Introduction: The child including child in age five year is risk a group nutrient state. The mother is very important to nutrient state of child and influencing of by characteristic, knowledge, attitude, income; eat culture and role of eating.
Target of research: To knowing the factors affecting with nutrient state of child age under five year at Puncak Jaya District Sub Province Papuan.
Method Research: Analytic of observational with sectional cross study design. Research executed on July 2018 in Puncak Jaya District with population is child under five years and respondent counted 100 mother and child with purposive sampling. Data approach used questionnaire and analyzed used chi square test and logistics binary regression.
Result of research: There is relation with nutrient state to child under five years at Puncak Jaya District is working, (p-value 0,000; RP = 3,107; CI95% (2,041– 4,731), studied (p-value 0,046; RP = 0,542; CI95% (0,306– 0,959), knowlegde (p-value 0,000; RP = 4,702; CI95% (3,005 – 7,359), attitude (p-value 0,000; RP = 4,000; CI95% (2,596 – 6,162), eat culture (p-value 0,000; RP = 4,964; CI95% (3,121 – 7,893) and role of eat (p-value 0,000; RP = 3,254; CI95% (2,132 – 4,966). Meanwhile there is not relationship nutrient state to child under five years at Puncak Jaya District is age (p-value 0,463; RP = 0,735; CI95% (0,382– 1,412), financial of eat (p-value 0,183; RP = 1,518; CI95% (0,909– 2,534). The knowledge and eat culture is dominant variable with nutrient state to child under five years, meanwhile attitude is interaction variable.

Keywords: Nutrient State, Child Under Five Years, Puncak Jaya District

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