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Review Article

Year: 2016 | Month: July-September | Volume: 1 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 64-67

Role of Shirodhara in the Management of Stress Induced Psoriasis

Lande Prashant Adinatha1, Dnyaneshwar. K. Jadhav2, Patil Arati S2

1Assistant Professor & H.O.D, Department of Panchakarma, S.G.R. Ayurveda College, Attached, S.S.N.J. Ayurvedic Hospital, Solapur.
2P.G. (Scholar), Dept of Kayachikitsa, S.G.R. Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Solapur-413002, Maharashatra, India.

Corresponding Author: Dnyaneshwar. K. Jadhav


Ayurveda is a holistic science and is taken as the base module for other sciences. Which include importance to mind for healthy state.
Modern era has achieved much medicinal and scientific success but our lifestyle has led us to many diseases. On the way of fulfilling dreams and desires, we just inviting stress on each step. In short Hurry-Curry-Worry is the factors responsible for many diseases. Psoriasis is one of the diseases.
Psoriasis is a non-infectious, chronic inflammatory disease that produces plaques of thickened, scaling skin. Increased stress and life style are main predisposing factor which is accounting for wide spared prevalence of this disease. chinta (stress) is one of the cause of kushta.
The treatments available in other pathy are not much satisfactory. Shirodhara is an amazing, unique body therapy from the ancient natural medical system Ayurveda. Shirodhara has a profound impact on the nervous system. In Shirodhara there will be combined action of snehana and swedana. It is best therapy which act directly and immediately on the mind and nerves.

Key words: Shirodhara, chinta, stress, kitibha kushta, Psoriasis.

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Psoriasis is chronic disorder which is commonly encountered in day to day’s clinical practice. It is one of the burning problems having social importance. Increased stress and life style are main predisposing factor which is accounting for wide spared prevalence of this disease.

In Ayurveda, almost all skin disease can be taken under generalized term “Kushtha”. Psoriasis is consider as type of kushta and may be well correlated to various varieties of kushta among them ekkushta, kitibha [1] are the commonest due to the resemblance of signs & symptom. Bhaya is one of the causes of kushta [2] Chinta is one of the types of bhaya. [3]

Treating various types of kushta are challenges, psoriasis is not on exception due to remission & exacerbation nature of psoriasis. It has become even divesting challenge for treatment. Ayurveda has given remedy for such burning disease.

Shirodhara is an ancient Ayurvedic therapy. Warm oil (or other liquid) pours in a continuous stream over the forehead or ‘Sthapani Marma’, an area where nerves are highly concentrated.

The pressure of the oil onto the forehead creates a vibration. The oil saturates the forehead and scalp and penetrates into the nervous system. In Shirodhara there will be combined action of Snehana and Swedana, if the oil is warm than benefit of Shirodhara can be attributed to the oil used and the dhara procedure which has got the stimulated effect.

Shirodhara is included under the banner of Murdha taila in Ayurveda. Murdhataila is the therapeutic application of oil on the head for getting local and systematic effect. Shirodhara is one of the most effective treatments for reducing stress and nervous tension.

Shirodhara is pouring the liquid on the forehead in a rhythmic pattern for a stipulated time. [4] It is one of the most relaxing therapies that lead the entire body into a state of calmness. In Shirodhara there will be combined action of Snehana and Swedana. if the oil is warm than benefit of Shirodhara can be attributed to the oil used and the dhara procedure which has got the stimulated effect.

Doshas specific oil is poured in an even stream on the forehead continuously to specify the doshas and thereby revitalizing the body and mind, diminish the effects of stress and strain and strengthening the physical constitution thus even though it is done locally, it has got systemic effects.

Importranc of head

·         Head is seat of Prana.

·         It is tri Marma

·         Dashapranayatana

·         Head is consider as Uttamanga in which all Indriya are seated.

·         Maharshi charaka has described the important of head in “kiyanta sirasiyam”.

·         Pranavayu [5] and tarpak kapha [6] are present in head.

·         Specific disease like Apasmaar, Unmad, originated from head. Raja and tama doshas operated along with vata and mind.

·         Stress response, stress threshold and associated pathway are determined by brain.


Psoriasis is a non-infectious, chronic inflammatory disease that produces plaques of thickened, scaling skin. Psoriasis is commonly affecting the skin of elbow, knees & scalp. Some people may have severe Psoriasis is involving their entire body. The quality of life of patient with Psoriasis is often diminished because of the appearance of skin. However the treatment options available in contemporary system of medicine are not much satisfactory. Emotionally maladjusted individuals and mental trauma might have provoked onset of psoriasis.

kitibha kushta /vata-kaphaj kushta

In Ayurveda, almost all skin disease are categorise under heading of “Kushtha”. Psoriasis can consider as one of the type of kushta.it can be correlated to various varieties of kushta among them kitibha [7] are the commonest due to the resemblance of signs & symptom. It can be co-related with kitibha kushta /vata-kaphaj kushta.

Stress is a conscious or unconscious psychological feeling or physical situation which comes as a result of physical and mental positive or negative pressure to overcome adaptive capacities. It can define as; it is wear and tear on the body in response to stressful agents. Such agents known as stressors.

Relation of stress and Psoriasis

When the body is stressed, the hypothalamus signal the autonomous nervous system and pituitary gland and the process is start to produced epinephrine and cortisol, sometime called as stress hormone. Due to this hormone liver produced more glucose. A blood sugar that would give you the energy for ‘fight or flight’ in the emergency.
When the body is stressed the Sympathetic nervous system generated, it increased sugar level in blood stream cause the scales of skin.

Concept of pathophysiology of Psoriasis and stress are based on mast cell. Mast cell play important role in the cutaneous response to stress and can be consider as ‘central switchboards’ of neurogenic inflammation. In Psoriasis mast cell located in the upper dermis serve pleiotropic function in Psoriasis plaque evolution. Here they are found in closed contact with cutaneous nerve. Early lesions show multiple De-granulated mast cells, whereas chronic lesion demonstrated multiple activated mast cell producing inflammation mediators.

Relation of chinta (stress) and kitibha

 kushta (Psoriasis)

Chinta is one of the types of bhaya. Bahya is one of the causes of kushta vhyadhi.

chinta (stress). chinta (stress) is dhatukshyakarak. [10] chinta (stress)cause the vataprakop. It is the cause of vyana vayu prakop. Sometime it causes the pittakrakop also. Chinta is main cause of Rasavaha-srotas dushti, [11] which can produce Aam and such aam circulated in whole body with prakrupit vyana vayu. All such responsible to produced kitibha kushta (Psoriasis).

Action of Shirodhara on Stress

According to Ayurveda, Shirodhara is beneficial for Vata and Pitta dosha. When out of balance, Vata dosha exhibits as fear, insecurity, worry, racing thoughts. Out of balance Pitta dosha exhibits as anger, irritability, frustration, judgment. The action and qualities of the liquid used in Shirodhara counters the qualities of the out of balance doshas. It soothes, nourishes and pacifies the doshas through the application of the liquid to the forehead, scalp and nervous system. [12]

In the procedure of Shirodhara, particular pressure and vibration is created over the forehead. The vibration is amplified by the hollow sinus present in the frontal bone. The vibration is then transmitted inwards through the fluid medium of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This vibration along with little temperature may activate the functions of thalamus and the basal forebrain which then brings the amount of serotonin and catecholamine to the normal stage inducing the sleep. Again, it is explained in modern text books of physiology that pressure has an effect on impulse conduction through tactile and thermo receptors. If prolonged pressure is applied to a nerve, impulse conduction in interrupted and part of the body may go to rest. In Dhara therapy, prolonged and continuous pressure due to pouring of the medicated liquid may cause tranquillity of mind and induce natural sleep. Validated by physiology changes such as decreased cortisol.

It decreases muscles tension, normalised blood pressure, increased autonomic stability.

During Shirodhara a variety of psychological changes also indicated decreased stress including decreased anxiety and depression. Plasma cortisol is a stress hormone decrease during shirodhara. Plasma cortisol is a stress hormone which is decreased during. If we use takra in Shirodhara than it can reduced ‘kleda’ seated in twak by which the healing process can be improved.


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Psoriasis is burning problem of health sector which have big impact on social life even. However, the treatment options available in contemporary system of medicine are not much satisfactory. Stresses are main cause of that which gives recurrence of Psoriasis. Shirodhara is simple therapy from the ancient natural medical system Ayurveda, which act directly and immediately on the mind and nerves. Mainly it acts on Autonomous Nervous system (diminish action of S.N.S and Activated action of P.N.S) and reduces stress and gives best result in Psoriasis.


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1.      Dr. Anant Ram Sharma edited with ‘susrutavimarsini’ Hindi commentary. (Ed.). Susruta samhita, maharshi susruta. Nidanstan; Kushtanidanaadhyaya: Chapter 5. verse no.14. Varanasi: Chukhambha prakashan, 2010; page no.497.

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3.        Dr. Nitin kamat, (1st Ed.) kaychikitsa-part 3, chapter -6, manasa roga, Chukhambha prakashan, Varanasi, reprint 2009; page no.369.

4.       Dr. M. R. Vasudeven namipoothrhri, panchkarma problems and solution and principle and practical of dhara, part. 2, chapter no.8, sarada mahadeva lyer publication, tamilnadu, page no. 202)

5.       Dr. Brhamananda Tripathi, (1st Ed.). Charak samhita, Maharshi Charak, hindi commentary elaborated by caraka & Drudhabala, Chikitsa-stan; Vatavhyadhi chikitsa adhya : chapter 28. Verse no.7.Varanasi: Chukhambha prakashan, 2011; page no.300.

6.       Dr. Ganesh Krushana garde, (12th Ed.), Sartha Vagbhat, Vagbhtakryta Ashtangrudhaya and its Marathi translation, Sutra stan; Doshbhediya Adhya; chapter 12. Verse no.17; pune: profesent publishing house, 2009; page no.64.

7.       Dr. Anant Ram Sharma edited with ‘susrutavimarsini’ Hindi commentary. (Ed.). Susruta samhita,maharshi susruta. Nidanstan; Kushtanidanaadhyaya: Chapter 5. Verse no.14.Varanasi: Chukhambha prakashan, 2010; page no.497.

8.       www.en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/stree-related_disorders

9.      http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/stress-body.aspx www.apa.org/helpcenter/stress-body.aspx

10.     Dr. Brhamananda Tripathi, (1st Ed.). Charak samhita, Maharshi Charak, hindi commentary elaborated by caraka & Drudhabala, Nidan -stan: chapter 7. Verse no. 4. Varanasi: Chukhambha prakashan, 2011.

11.     Dr. Y.G.Joshi, (1st Ed.).Charak samhita, Maharshi Charak, Marathi commentary elaborated by caraka & Drudhabala, Viman Stan: chapter 5. Verse no.13. Pune: vaidyamitra prakashan, 2011, page no.544.

12.      ayurvedannextdoor.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-shirodhara/


How to cite this article: Lande PA, Jadhav DK, Patil AS. Role of shirodhara in the management of stress induced psoriasis. International Journal of Science & Healthcare Research. 2016; 1(3): 64-67.



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