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Review Article

Year: 2016 | Month: July-September | Volume: 1 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 64-67

Role of Shirodhara in the Management of Stress Induced Psoriasis

Lande Prashant Adinatha1, Dnyaneshwar. K. Jadhav2, Patil Arati S2

1Assistant Professor & H.O.D, Department of Panchakarma, S.G.R. Ayurveda College, Attached, S.S.N.J. Ayurvedic Hospital, Solapur.
2P.G. (Scholar), Dept of Kayachikitsa, S.G.R. Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Solapur-413002, Maharashatra, India.

Corresponding Author: Dnyaneshwar. K. Jadhav


Ayurveda is a holistic science and is taken as the base module for other sciences. Which include importance to mind for healthy state.
Modern era has achieved much medicinal and scientific success but our lifestyle has led us to many diseases. On the way of fulfilling dreams and desires, we just inviting stress on each step. In short Hurry-Curry-Worry is the factors responsible for many diseases. Psoriasis is one of the diseases.
Psoriasis is a non-infectious, chronic inflammatory disease that produces plaques of thickened, scaling skin. Increased stress and life style are main predisposing factor which is accounting for wide spared prevalence of this disease. chinta (stress) is one of the cause of kushta.
The treatments available in other pathy are not much satisfactory. Shirodhara is an amazing, unique body therapy from the ancient natural medical system Ayurveda. Shirodhara has a profound impact on the nervous system. In Shirodhara there will be combined action of snehana and swedana. It is best therapy which act directly and immediately on the mind and nerves.

Key words: Shirodhara, chinta, stress, kitibha kushta, Psoriasis.

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